Senior Adults
Young and Lively Senior Adult Fellowship
meets monthly for lunch and activities.
A time is set aside during the worship service to meet those around you.
We Share Our Gifts
At Covenant, there is no shortage of
opportunities to serve. These are just
a sample of the ways we are involved
in our community and beyond.
We are a founding congregation of
Crisis Assistance Ministry (CAM)
Members celebrating birthdays or
anniversaries contribute to
Lumiere Medical Ministries in Haiti
Church members put together kits for
disaster relief : Health and Birthing Kits
United Methodist Women support
local projects:
Battered Women's Shelter
Webb Street School
Crisis Assistance Ministry
Ongoing Programs
United Methodist Men - meets the second
Sunday of each month for breakfast at 8 am
in the Fellowship Hall.
United Methodist Women - meets the first
Monday of each month, we have a morning
(10 am) and evening circle (6 pm)
Young and Lively Sr Fellowship Group - meets
the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 12:30 pm in
the Fellowship Hall for lunch and do other activities throughout the year. (Picking applies, theatre shows, day trips)
Our Music Programs
Hand Bells - not meeting at this time
Chancel Choir - Practice is held at 4:00 pm
on Wednesdays.